Fatal Frame is an unraveling novel of human sacrifice, love, loss, and despair!
The Good!
The graphics are amazing and by far some of the best on the PS2! The character design and features are flawless. The expressions, the eyes, even the subtle wisp of hair, make it all so real. The backgrounds and overall setting where the story takes places is more than suitable to each heart wrenching moment. There is nothing like bloody drag marks to get your heart racing faster. You will wonder what is around the corner for good reason. The ghosts are amazing and they are subtle with the overall look, they don’t need gore, you will get the full effect just from a twitch or the sudden reach of cold white dead hands!
The background sounds are chilling and in many cases will cause goose bumps and a slight quake in your grip. Especially when you hear a voice in the distance, a haunting song, laughter, or a scream.
The voice acting is amazing and blends in so well that you hardly notice that this was a Japanese game translated into English. The voices are soft, subtle, and very well suited to each character.
The storyline is the highlight of this game and I have not seen a game that can hold a candle to the life and detail of Fatal Frame’s unraveling novel of human sacrifice, love, loss, and despair.
The Bad
The only bad thing I found was that every once in awhile my camera angles would get hard to manage, especially when I was walking forward and then suddenly the angle would change and I would see the back or the front of the character. This sometimes made me lose my bearings. However, this is very minor and I hardly noticed it. I was never annoyed and I haven’t heard Fatal Frame fans complain. It only becomes noticeable when you’re running from a ghost and suddenly the back view changes to a front view in order to compensate for the direction your character is going in. It is easy to master and with time and experience, it will not be a problem at all. Do not hesitate to buy this game due to this, overall the camera is great!
The Ugly
There is simply nothing ugly about this game, it is an endless adventure of horror and beauty!