Fatal Frame IV is the best Wii game out there and definitely as scary as the other games in the series

User Rating: 9.5 | Zero ~ Tsukihami no Kamen ~ WII
Fatal Frame: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse is one of those games you MUST play in the dark and with the volume up, and, if you want some funny moments too, with friends. Although this is a very difficult game to get since it came out only in Asia, I can tell that if you´re a horror player or a Fatal Frame fan, there's no doubt you'll find this game worth all the trouble.

But let's get deeper and evaluate the game in every aspect, since it's not only the spooky settings and unique style which made me think this is a pretty solid game:

The graphics are almost the best one I've seen for a Wii game, and due to it's years, I think this game deserves to be recognised for it's great visuals. But again, they aren't amazing, they are just excellent for a Wii game.

Although I don't speak chinese or understand even a word of it, I need to say I was impressed by how realistic the game sounded, and since I don't mind too much if a game has bad voice acting, I decided not to worry much about it and just give it a ten.

Since the storyline isn't a main pillar in this kind of games and sometimes they don't even have one and just jump into the cheap scares, I decided to give the storyline a 9, because this game at least has one and it isn't that bad. Plus, it isn't hard to follow since you'll encounter with many ghosts from the girl's past and the whole game is set in the island where they were kidnapped.

Well, it's ok, and the ending really didn't matter to me. Plus, the game didn't actually need a good ending and the credits song was great.

Yeah, if it's a scary game, then I need to spend a whole paragraph about the scares. First of all, you can already guess this game is "pants-soiling" since it's a Fatal Frame game, but what I really enjoyed was that it wasn't all just cheap scares. This video game setsyou in abandoned, claustrophobic, dark and perturbating places, which still haunt my nightmares. Sometimes, you'll be walking through a completely safe corridor, but the sudden sounds and tense atmosphere makes it feel like something will jump out of nowhere and it keeps you to the edge of your sit. Other times, you may pull out your camera and suddenly a manequin will be staring at you, or a ghost will come out of a bathtub. But of course, this game is also full of cheap scares which will make you want to turn off the console and quit the game. Although some people may not like it, in my opinion it makes the game even better.

Playing this with friends just never gets old. No matter how many times you play Fatal Frame IV, it will still make you jump out of your sit.

To sum up, this is, with no doubt, the best Wii game I've ever played, and it is as spooky and inmersive as the previous Fatal Frame video games. But, if you aren't a horror fan or you don't like scary games in a foreign language, then you surely wouldn't feel like all the trouble and money invested in this game really worths it.

Sorry for my english and I hope this review was of any help to you.