Not for everyone but for those who like a little challenge in their fighting games.
User Rating: 8 | Garou Densetsu Battle Archive 1 (Neo Geo Online Collection Vol. 5) PS2
If ever, there were a challenging fighting game, even on consoles that provided entertainment, all four of the games in this collection are it. Or, should I say, them. Fatal Fury was the first game I played in this collection. The roster isn't exactly diverse, even for it's time! Just Terry, Andy, and Joe. But it makes up this fault with two-player co-op. And a bunch of enemies that you can't even play as. Duck King, Richard Myers, Michael Max(Who you should jump kick a lot), Tung Fu Rue(Who can transform into a muscular spinning brute), Hwa Jai(A kickboxer. He's either chinese or thai), Raiden(a masked wrestler), Billy Kane(Geese's minion who uses a staff to fight), and finally, Geese Howard himself. I then moved on to Fatal Fury 2. It's just as hard as the original. It throws the co-op element from the original in the trash for a more traditional fighting game experience with eight playable characters. Terry, Andy, and Joe are back, as well five new characters. The kunoichi Mai Shiranui, Korean wonder Kim Kaphwan, an old man named Jubei Yamada, Cheng Shinzan(I don't know his background. Too bad, so sad.), and the hulking wrestler Big Bear. Then I moved on to Fatal Fury Special. I think this is just Fatal Fury 2 with new characters. I'll list the new characters since you asked so nicely. Duck King, Tung Fu Rue, Billy Kane, and villian Geese return from the original Fatal Fury, as well as the villian of FF2, Wolfgang Krauser, Lawrence Blood, and a boxer named Axel Hawk. Now to describe Fatal Fury 3. There are only ten playable characters here. With five returning characters. Terry, Andy, Joe, Mai, and Geese. The new characters are the bike riding lady Blue Mary, a new powerhouse to replace Big Bear named Franco Bash, Bob Wilson(Another character I don't know the background of. Dang!), a guy with nunchucks named Hon Fu, and a guy who looks japanese named Sokaku Mochizuki. FF3 is a bit easier than the other games. But who's complaining, that's what I say. Overall this is a great collection. Especially if your a fan of arcade games. By the way, all of these games are arcade perfect ports, so enjoy.
Fatal Fury: 7.5
Fatal Fury 2: 8.5
Fatal Fury Special: 8.5
Fatal Fury 3: 8
Average score: 8.1