Cheap - addictive - fun - high replayability
It's very fun to play, running around in a dungeon and hacking away at monsters. The inclusion of a pet, which serves as extra inventory space, as well as a partner in crime is excellent. The fishing mini-game fits in well - you can fish at certain places, and the fish you catch can be fed to your pet to turn him into more powerful forms. Instead of a little dog, you might have a wyvern fighting alongside you.
There are various different ways to play through - melee, ranged, or spellcaster, but ultimately the melee characters seem to be the most powerful in the long run. When you play the game, you have one "primary" quest, and after it is completed you can retire your character whenever you like. When your character is retired, one of your items can be passed down to your next of kin as an heirloom that receives more magical enchantments, so you can pass down some of your hard earned powers to your next generation... to play through the game again, probably at a higher difficulty.
Overall, a great diversion. You can eat a lot of hours playing this game, hunting for loot and killing baddies. And at $20 and being available for purchase online, I think it is a value that can't be beat.
Great game.