I thought FEAR 2: Project Origin was VERY VERY good. The story could have been a little more fleshed out, and a little more clearly told, however the game was a blast to play. The sniper rifle in FEAR 2 just may be the best sounding weapon I've ever heard in a game. It became one of the most satisfying aspects of the game in later levels. The sound overall was terrific. The visuals also impressed me. Ive always loved the way environments are presented in FEAR games, and this was no different. The HDR Lighting along with the immersion of a good shadow system made it feel VERY realistic at times, and very injoyable all the time. The game went by very fast for me, not because the game was actually short, but because time flies when your having a wonderful time playing. The only shortfall FEAR 2 has is it uses a checkpoint save system. However it helps make up for that by having regular well spaced checkpoints and having very fast loading times. Also the ending was unexpected and a little of a let down. I recommend this game to any action game fan.
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