Not a bad game, but not groundbreaking either... it seems like a step back from the other 2 in the series, hear me out.
Ill start by saying awesome graphics, good sound effects, and a smooth ride with no glitches/errors or nothing to slow down a smooth game play.
It has quite a bit of action, a nice slow motion feature that helps ease tension in the more spooky areas of the game, or for bullet time. The game is pretty interactive, you can turn over tables/counters/sofas to use as a defense. I did like the ammo displacement, enough to go around so you don't feel to helpless.
For more cautious people - It really wasnt that scary so if you think your going to have a heart attack from this game, you really wont go head and buy it. The previous 2 are a bit scarier
The character you play as comes off idiotic, not one of my favorite's that's for sure, the first person mode is a bit to small i tried different screen modes but none of it truly helped... im using a 21 inch screen and the gun looked babyish so i couldn't feel like i was really there. You also don't sprint very fast, the entire game feels a bit enclosed... theirs never really an open area.
You pick up these dapa-pads threw out the game, i found them completely 100% useless... i didn't read a god damned single one, they bored the heck out of me.
The worst thing about the game is its massive 10-12 gig space needed, its lamenting for a game that is only playable once a year or so.