Yeah it misses on what made the first one so good... but is still a very good shooter with a few unique things in it.
User Rating: 8.5 | F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin X360
Okay first off lets say this, F.E.A.R. was just perfect. Now F.E.A.R. 2 didn't live up to the scares of the original, but improved on the gameplay elements and also advanced the ever-more interesting story. Alright lets talk scares, it had a few good ones but never managed to match the atmosphere of the original. Why? well probably because it moved from just office stuff to wandering through a city, also the fire-fights are frequent. So how about the gameplay? Well the slo-mo is much improved, there is never a moment in the game where you will be overly stuck on a fight and everything about the weaponry and killing with it is just plain fun. The Multi-player takes some getting used to, but isn't bad(Armored front is interesting). Moving on to the story telling aspect, F.E.A.R. 2 does this very well, by not only telling you important info while you play but also in rewarding little intel pick-ups. All and all I had a lot of fun playing this game, and will explore the multi-player a little more, for real fans of the series I say go get this for sure, as for non-fans if you enjoy a good solid shooter that will certainly stand out a little from others I also suggest grabbing this one.