Cool, different, and interesting, but just not as great as some of the other shooter games out there.

User Rating: 7.5 | F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin X360
F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin is a good game, I'll give it that, but really lacks the magic from the first game (as most sequals often do). It continues a confusing story that I obviously never understood, and gives an overdone online multiplayer. In terms of technology, it is far superior to its successor. But in terms of gameplay, it's merely slightly better.

The campaign of F.E.A.R. 2 wasn't what I'd call scary, but more like edgy, tense, and startling. Like something could pop out at any moment, but never really does. It certainly likes to play with your imagination. I think the creepy atmosphere couldn't have been done any better. As for the story, as stated above, it confused me. Not confusing in the way that a plot twist does, but confusing in the way of "what the hell does that mean?", "which enemies are fighting who?", and "where do I go in this labyrinthine system of hallways?". It's not allways confusing though, especially in firefights. Firefights with enemy soldiers are actually a relief. A relief that something isn't going to pop out and go "boo". A relief that you can get into some intense action instead of being on your toes. As for the other enemies like the glowing electrical ghost-like creatures and invisible assassains, they make me soil myself.

And on we go with the multiplayer review portion. It seems as if the multiplayer was overdone and tried to be recreated in a way. It's not very fun compared to the top online shooters because it lacks so much. There's not much variety in your weapons, armor, or maps. Team Deathmatch, the most common gametype, feels like rat-in-a-cage, run 'n' gun fights. Not very fun and not easy unless you have catlike reflexes. The only thing I find fun in the online portion is the Armored Front gametype. An interesting gametype based on Territories style gameplay, but with much larger maps and Mech Suits. It gives you the chance to spread your wings and give you room to play, unlike most of the other cramped playspaces.

Overall, F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin has an interesting yet confusing campaign, and a sub-par online multiplayer, but is definately worth a rent.