Some things just dont get better with age, including psychotic 14 year old female game characters...

User Rating: 7.5 | F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin PC
What will go down in my book as one of the greatest genre breaking games of all time, the orginal F.E.A.R ranks up there with the Dooms, Quakes, and Half-Life's of the gaming world in that it brought things to a new level.

Since the original, things have gone slightly down hill, and in this most recent version of the series, F.E.A.R 2 Project Origin, has taken a deeper step down that hill. Nothing ground breaking, nothing new, and not enough to warrant anything above average scores...sad indeed.

Graphics - Overall very nice, and what I would expect from a next gen from this series, however, physics aside, the lack of fully destructible environments made the game seem cheap.

Gameplay - Fit right in with the series, and the controls were simple enough, however AI was only slightly better than the original. Weapons were....well, not used...I played pretty much the entire game with 3-4 basic weapons, and although I found plenty of ammo, I never really saw a need for some weaponry, other than just to look cool.

Storyline - Ok, I am sorry, "Snakefist"? Come F'ing on! Cant you get even slightly more creative than something that GD boring?! The storyline was boring, and I wont give any spoilers away with the ending. I will leave that up to you and your $50.

Unless your a FEAR die hard, hold off on this one for a while.