FPS fans, do not pass this game up. Fear 2 has what it takes to get the player immersed in its atmosphere. Deserves a 9.
One of the first things I noticed, besides the good control feel, was the tense ambience the game presents. Even if it is a shooter on rails, the suspense factor focuses your attention to the task at hand. The game's AI is above average and will have you trying to implement your Reflex or Slow-Mo ability in order to survive the onslaught of various enemy types.
The graphics are crystal clear and the special effects and explosions are excellent. Its clearly a well crafted game by people who know what FPS fans want. People looking to get frightened won't be disappointed. There are some freaky down right shocking scenes which make for adrenaline fueled, jump in your seat moments.
After downloading the demo from the PlayStation Store I knew I had to buy the game. What surprised me even more is just how much better the entire game was once I bought it.
I just have to compare how much I like this game even though I did not buy or play the first FEAR game versus the total disappointment I felt after buying Kill Zone 2. I really liked the original Kill Zone game and based on that experience, I immediately bought Kill Zone 2. Big $65 mistake, ouch! One of the best things that I can say about FEAR 2 is that I don't regret for one moment the fact that I sold KZ 2 in order to buy FEAR 2. Its way better.
Online is a blast. Whether you play as a soldier or in an EPA suit, multiplayer only adds to FPS gamer bliss. This game is a definite keeper. It can only get better if Warner Bros. and Monolith offer some DLC in the next coming months. That would be icing on the cake. Score: 9.0
To ALL FPS fans: do not pass this game up. You will not be disappointed