A Sequel To One Of The Best Shooters, Is It Still One Of The Best Shooters? Find Out Here!!
FEAR 2 Project Origin is a psychological horror first-person shooter game,
released for PC,Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 on February 10,2009
Developed by Monolith Production,and published by Warner Bros.
It is a sequel to FEAR and its the second game in the series.
The game opens with Becket experiencing a hallucination involving a ruined city,
where he sees Alma walking along.
As he recovers, Becket's squad arrives at the penthouse complex where Aristide lives,
only to find it under assault by a team from ATC Security's black ops,
dispatched by Armacham Technology Corporation's Board of Directors.
After saving Aristide, Becket uncovers hints of a project known as "Harbinger",
which involves himself and several of his teammates.
Aristide claims that Becket and his team are the only way to stop Alma, but before she can elaborate,
the F.E.A.R. Point Man detonates the Origin Facility's reactor.
Becket is knocked unconscious in the explosion.
The Game Has A Lack Of Story But The Gameplay Was Amazing,Also It Has some glitches with clicking.
The Game Also Has an Awesome Multiplayer Modes Like: Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch,
Slow Motion Deathmatch, Armored Front,Blitz and more.
But it definetly needed more maps to make the multiplayer mode perfect.
This Game Has One Of The Best Multiplayer joy .
The main characters voice acting was good ,but the enemies say the scentences over and over again
just like all the games,
The protagonist doent talk which is a really bad thing.
the soundtacks are awesome, it had an amazing music that is good for a horror game.
the sounds of the footsteps, objects, grenades and guns were amazing and well made.
the graphics are good for a 2009 game, not much changed scince FEAR 1 .
but the graphics of FEAR 1 were great for a 2005 game.
FEAR 2 wasn't difficult in the easy mode ,its hard for you to loose, you can loose twice in a stage.
Medium mode was challenging, it was if the player's armor broke you lose,
any grenades thrown next to you you lose
same for hard but the armor breaks faster and enemies die harder.
/////Keep Playing?\\
Yes And No, Sometimes its boring but sometimes its amazing,
it has a few bad places sometimes and a lack of story, but the gameplay in general was good enough.
The ending was surprising, it makes the game looks boring,like ''what?I played the whole game for this end!!''
for us we really hate the sudden endings,
but it wasnt that bad because the game had a sequel so anyway you will know whats gonna happen later.
/////The Goods\\
Slow Motion Mode That Makes Fighting Easier-Nice Soundtracks and Level Designs That Fits into
A Horror Game - Headshot blast -
Amazing Multiplayer Modes - Amazing Gameplay.
/////The Bads\\
Lack Of Story-Enemies Say Repeated Scentences-Annoying Ending - bugs when pressing repeatedly.
Story: Mediocre
Plot: Fair
Graphics: Great
Controls: Excellent
Sounds: Excellent
Ending: Bad
/////Buy It?\\
Yes yes go and buy it, You can enjoy shooting those replica bastards ,and if you felt that its short for you,
you can play the Expansion Reborn.
so yes you will have a blast playing it :)
But of course this is our honest opinion,some people might like it,and some people might hate it.
We would give the game 8 out of 10 because the ending was annoying
and there was a huge lack of story explaining ,and some glitches ,and a bad looking stage, so 2 points removed.
if you played the game please tell us what you think.
thank you for watching ,hope we helped you make your decision about this game ,
please stay tuned for more game reviews.