Not the F.E.A.R. you remember.
Graphics: The graphics are on-par with the first. Not necessarily a bad thing, but F.E.A.R.'s graphics are not "next-gen" and with better-looking games out there, it really show's it's age. Tack on a motion blurry-ness that wasn't present in the first and it's just downright bad and drags down the total immersiveness of the dark atmosphere.
Story: Inspired, but completely un-scary. The suspense and mystery are gone. The ending fell flat and was predictable. Alma was not nearly as scary this time around.
Slow-motion combat: Just as bloody and fun as the first time around.
F.E.A.R. 2 is not without redemption, but it hardly breaks any new-ground, nor does it drip with the excitment of the original installment. All in all, it left me wanting. It's worth playing, but rent it, or better yet, borrow it.