Great series till this rubbish came out !

User Rating: 3 | F.E.A.R. 3 PC
Sad to see such a great series pump out rubbish like this !
I know it might sound mean guy's but i remember the first fear game and what a game it was ,great story mode great competitive multiplayer with gameplay to match.
I would still be playing it but only for rainbow six getting in the way :)
This new game is so badly put together where could i even start to point out all it's faults.
Story bad very bad but on the plus single player does have co op mode.
Graphic's console graphic's only here seem's they forgot us pc guy's, solid enough but not what i expected from what i thought AAA game !.
Gameplay only thing this game has going for it, not much of anything else sadly the story's badly edited seem's to me and you run out of even that after a few hour's.
Online no real competitive mode's here like DM TDM you get these run fuk"n run and so on which are fun all for an hour or two only, maybe the console kid's will play them longer but for me sh**t fuk"n sh*t ok no more of that talk .
All thing's being said it did pass a few hours and was fun at the time but is that enough, from a great name in FPS like FEAR !
I think not they sold us out for a quick buck i think
Maybe its me but i expected much more from these guy's for compared to its predecessor's this game fell way way short .