If you havn't played F.E.A.R yet, it's a great FPS. F.E.3.R is just ok.
User Rating: 7.5 | F.E.A.R. 3 PC
Remember FEAR? Remember how the campaign was hours of jaw dropping action and fun? Remember how the weapons really felt powerful and packed a punch? Yea, the environments got a little bland after a while but the gameplay was so satisfying and ON! Fear2 had better levels, crappier graphics, and weak sound effects. The better level designs and more variety of enemies didnt save FEAR2 from being bad. With FEAR3 we get a step up from FEAR2, but over all it fails. You can shoot an human grunt mercenary enemy close range with a shotgun and the guy will still run around and shoot as if he was never shot at all...Not only is that aspect annoying but the guns still dont sound as good as they did in FEAR1. The shotgun and main SMG in FEAR 1 set a standard for how powerful a modern fps guns should sound and feel. Fear 2 was a downgrade. And while FEAR 3 is a slight upgrade from 2...the sound effects still arent on par with FEAR1. Pointman is still really slow and akward to move like in FEAR2. They should of just used the FEAR 1 engine and improved on it. FEAR 2 and 3 are crap compared to FEAR.