The horror genre has never been so scary...

User Rating: 9 | F.E.A.R. PC
The FPS Horror genre has just been taken to the next step with, what is easily one of my favourite games of all time. Being both a fan of the horror & the FPS genre, there cannot be a better game for people like me than F.E.A.R.

Graphically the game is very appealing with fantastic effects in terms of firefights, explosions and the general look of the levels though a lot of levels can begin look the same as you go along in the story.

Gameplay wise F.E.A.R is one of the best games in the FPS genre today and you can get to play in some of the best firefights you will ever find. Despite being a standard run and shoot, you have to be a little more tactical at times using cover and outflanking maneuvers. Also the slow time can get you out of some tight situations and does it really well just like in the Max Payne series. What really makes the game stand out is how it tries to get under your skin and play tricks on your mind, which is a totally different kind of way to attack the player and that makes it a really unique experience.

Soundwise is pretty impressive though the gun battles are nothing special but the sounds you hear behind you or around the corner, can really creep you out. Listening to the enemy communicate with each other over there radio comms, gives the game a really authentic feel to it.

The AI is another major strong point of the game as they work together really well and will always try to outflank you. Also you can actually get under the AI's skin and at times you will hear them refuse an order to move forward as they don't want to walk into your bullets.

While the single player probably doesn't offer any great replay value apart from the joy of enjoying all over again, online wise does keep you playing once single player is done. However online play is the weakest aspect of F.E.A.R as it does nothing out of the already standard box of online shooters and just put online play in the game to give you something to do after single player. However kudos to the developer behind the game as you can actually play F.E.A.R online for free by downloading it.

Overall a good length single player with plenty of scary moments and a unique style of gameplay and story gives you plenty of happy hours with the game but online play does fall pretty short and it also can be a serious system hog with its requirements.