Short but solid, it can makes us remember how good FEAR is and why we had so much fun back there.
Extraction Point starts exactly where FEAR ends, Point Man in an extraction helicopter after the explosion of the Vault, a secret Armacham facility where Alma was buried. Taking control of the same nameless FEAR operative - called Point Man, we take control of it after that helicopter is put down by Alma and, after crash in the middle of the city, all the game will focus in the objective to reach some extraction point - yeah, don't ask.
So, all the game will be like the original, where we have only one main objective – reach one extraction point – with the difference that, this time, we´re not hunting, but we are the hunt. Paxton Fettel is, in some way, alive and, stronger than before, he's pursuing us together with the grown up Alma – or naked Alma.
The plot try to finish what is left of Alma, but it raises more questions than answers, mainly when we notice the appearance and the difference between two "Alma". The kid one, that appeared most in the original game, and the naked grow up one, that is scarier and more aggressive, that starts to appear in the end of the FEAR and is the one responsible for taking the helicopter down – and many other cruel and dark things.
Actually, I found that difference really a great idea, but wasn't explored. Also, the game is too short and more action focused than the plot itself.
I'll not say "if you played the original game" because you can only play Extraction Point if you have the original and is pointless to play the expansion without play the original, so, I'll always suppose that who is reading already finished FEAR.
Gameplay has changed nothing, being the same - nothing was added to the formula, what means that we'll experience more of the amazing action sequences that made FEAR so great to play in 2005. The only difference is that the entire packet is loaded with tons of action, with little space to conversations, explanations or even scares, and for it being so compact and short, this fast pace is more remarkable than in the original game.
Its so action focused that, after the first hour of play, the player will be already carrying many powerful weapons that was really scarce in the original, like the rocket launcher and the automatic cannon or even the Type-7, not to mention the two new weapons: the mini-gun and a powerful laser weapon.
All these firepower will be extremely necessary because of the intense action. Expect more enemies shooting at you, flanking and coming from all the places and, if wasn't the Point Man super reflexes, we would be in great trouble and probably this game would ridiculous hard.
Like the original, don't expect to stay hiding and waiting for enemies come one by one or you'll receive a rain of grenades or even be surrounded while hide. The AI is still impressive and will give a lot of challenge in almost all situations.
Actually, the AI is so good that, even in 2013, is REALLY hard to find a game with one enemy AI as good as we see in FEAR and in this expansion.
But not everything is flowers. For being so similar to its original game, we'll only do more of what we experienced before. Nothing of really new or that add significantly to the game. Even the scares that assume new forms and ways to get our emotions are, in some way, predictable and will not really scare like the first ride.
The sound effects are still amazing and the music score just makes everything right. Voices are well made, but will have less importance here, where history was left behind and isn't much explored like before.
For the graphics I have some things to say. First: we still walk ON the water. FEAR was one of the first games of the genre that we are able to see our body, like the complete arm, chest and legs. The problem is that, here, when our guy enters in some flooded area, his foot isn't inside water, but like we´re walking above it. That is SO ugly to see and I was expecting one correction in this little issue.
Second: even owner of a great engine that cast realistic - and amazing - lights and shadows, not all scenes and areas are covered with those effects. Let me explain: some rooms and areas will have use full effects for volumetric lights and shadows that we can easily and clearly see them, moments that make FEAR so good looking. But in other moments, light will just look diffuse and will not cast realistic shadows or even will be none in the entire scene!
Physics were also an issue before, when some objects just fail to collide and start to make strange noises, breaking the immersion - but now seems ok. Reflections can be a little messy too, mainly in puddles and some surfaces. Textures sometimes leave a lot to be desired and can disappoint in few places. Also, the background scenario is just ugly and non realistic at all.
Level design will disappoint more than in the original game. Recycled textures and scenarios will not help to add more to the game. The lack of more details and some colors just make things too grey, means that is hard to find memorable places - even the hospital will not catch our attention! Fans of the genre will understand what I mean.
Many say that the lack of one multiplayer was bad for this expansion. I say that Extraction Point is part of a greater picture. FEAR Combat was released some months before this expansion and THIS expansion add more of the same experience and, linked with the original, would be unnecessary to include multiplayer.
After all, this isn't a bad expansion when we go to the meaning of what an expansion pack is. Short but solid, it can makes us remember how good FEAR is and why we have so much fun back there. My score is a "9" because I'm a huge fan of FEAR and, since my score for the original game was a "10", it will be that high. But, if I could be more cold, I would just give it a "8", what is still high enough to any player fan of the genre or that just like of first person shooters.