Truly one of the best shooters I've ever played. Definitely a game that will satisfy you entirely.

User Rating: 9.2 | F.E.A.R. PC
When I first heard about F.E.A.R., the first thing I thought was "Great, another unoriginal horror shooter." Boy was I wrong.

F.E.A.R. had me interested even in the beginning level. I'm not the type to scare easily in a game, but I was tense from the get go.

The game really delivers an awesome experience. It has great visuals and detail. But the visuals isn't its strongest point; the strongest point seems to be the deep story.

I won't begin to tell the story, because the truth is I didn't really get it myself. There a parts of the story that seem to be left for interpretation, which is fine with me.

The actual gameplay itself is pretty good. You have a well rounded arsenal but only able to hold three weapons. You have some melee attacks which come in handy and you can slow down time. Not totally necessary but fun and cool looking. The A.I. in the game is pretty good to; they tend to use suppressive fire and throw grenades and always want to flank you.

But as for "fear" in F.E.A.R., i felt it was a bit lacking. The game seems to divide itself into different parts- scary parts and fighting parts. You always know that if the little girl is in the area, you really don't to worry about fighting much. So the feeling of being in danger is kind of lost.

Overall, F.E.A.R. is an awesome game. Definitely not a clone of any game. I really look forward for a sequel.