Not anything revolutionary
I'll start off by saying this game looks fantastic. I know how you need a great PC to run it at Max but I can tell you that with my old laptop you dont need to have a great pc to see how good the game looks even on lower graphics. Bullets leave decals on walls. Shell casings fall on the ground. All the textures look real which brings up the fact...
The scares here are genuine. It's not BAM i jump out a window and surprise you there are some real scares here. If not a creepy little girl in a room filled with blood.
The AI in this game is fantastic. Enemy's flank you so your cover spot isn't always safe and if they can't flank they flush you out with a grenade so you have to stay mobile. They really coordinate as a team. If you take out there main leader or heavier armored men they give real responses and start to stink due to lack of leadship. You can hear radio chatter of there tactics.
There's not alot to explain on the sound except it sounds and play's like a nextgen game should. Shell's fall. Bullet's hitting metal richochet with a zing. Creepy music where it belongs.
The story is alright for an FPS especially for originality. You're an elite soldier of the FEAR unit sent to fight off a supernatural enemy that has taken control of a science facility. Blah blah shoot some stuff. Then you get this creepy little girl who floats around and disappears. Room's filled with blood ghostly images. Kill some more guys. Then you understand your character has amnesia and has trouble rememebering his past which can explain why you have superhuman powers. The story unravels as memory flashbacks come back.
The weapons in the game are pretty innovative and interesting but on one particular note the Penetrator nailgun is particulary overpowered. Even with full hp and armor it only takes 3 shots of it to kill you.The weapon itself has 25 bullets to a magazine and has superior accuracy. the firing rate is pretty fast so it basically is hogged for all the rounds in multiplayer. Also the unarmed attacks are also a bit too powerful. A pointblank shotgun hit should be more powerful than a kick in the face. But in the universe of FEAR it's not. In fact it's the exact opposite.
The multiplayer in the game is standard stuff except the slow-mo death match and team death match. You still have to work as a team sometimes.
Also on the note the levels i nthe game are boring and uninspiring. All the multiplayer maps are also extremely lazily done. You been to this room once you've been to them all.
It's a basic FPS that's just plain fun