Fear was very Scary in the ways of THE RING and MAX PAYN The slow motion was a very good ad on to the game. The game had good explosions Because of the distortions like on the Matrix movies and the melee attacks we cool to use at the enemies. the Sound was very good when went into the slow-motion because every thing went deeper the online play is very fun the Dynamic shadows were good and the girl was very creepy this game was so creepy I would some times wouldn’t even play it for a couple days the game would get
The game begins with a very intresting intro scene, which shows Paxton Fettel getting control over a whole army of clone soldiers which in result capture and occupy a research facility under his command. You yourself ar... Read Full Review
Should you get F.E.A.R Director's edition? The DVD Version saves you the trouble of getting 5 discs when you should just get 1. Why should I get F.E.A.R you ask? Well for one: The game play isn't all about KILL KILL ... Read Full Review