I have seen a lot of FPS games that do not have what F.E.A.R showed us. I don't think its scary however, just creepy. I don't see why people jump when Alma appears out of nowhere, but thats them obviously. FEAR does have some great intense shoot-outs (you can go in slow-mo for a brief time, which heats things up). There's a lot of positive notes I can mention about F.E.A.R, but I will warn you that it can get repetitive in some spots (Since you are fighting the same soldiers and units). Also, the MP is great ,but you need to be really good because people will mostly use the melee attack (its overpowered). If you like creepy horror/FPS games, you should check this out (if you can run it).
P.S Parents, this is not for kids. There's blood/gore and some language (not as bad as GTA, but still a warning).
The game begins with a very intresting intro scene, which shows Paxton Fettel getting control over a whole army of clone soldiers which in result capture and occupy a research facility under his command. You yourself ar... Read Full Review
Should you get F.E.A.R Director's edition? The DVD Version saves you the trouble of getting 5 discs when you should just get 1. Why should I get F.E.A.R you ask? Well for one: The game play isn't all about KILL KILL ... Read Full Review