9.1 Gamespot review score, you have got to be kidding? Right? Same formula and nothing new. Paranormal division? Common!

User Rating: 5.1 | F.E.A.R. PC
I got this game wanting to be scared. What I got was this silly premise that there is a bunch of trained professional government agents that are part of a paranormal division? They have this expensive monitoring and electronic equipment that I know we would love to see our tax dollars spent on to catch ghost. Common, are there not any of you out there that thinks this is the least bit silly? I am not against being silly (ask my wife) but when a game is taking itself seriously then that is completely different. We as buyers were lead to think that this game is about being scared and the games programmers and writers opening up maybe some new worlds in gaming before the demo release. I was thinking cool but not another shooter game please!!! I am sick and tired of games that pretended to be something else when in reality all they are is about shooting guns. I know shooting guns is big money but what happened to creative thinking? I bought Doom3 because I knew I would be shooting guns and none of us were fooled as to the content of the story line, yet it did not get a score like this game? Now why is that? My guess is, is it is about the level of expectation. We have over the top expectations from what games Id writes and FEAR is not written by Id. Id may have backed themselves into a corner. Anyway, I am not going to sit here and write a thesis on this game, as for one thing it is not worth that kind of time and for another I think I have said what I need to say about this game. I just hope big money has not bought out all the game companies creative thinking like it has Hollywood’s.

Pros: Outstanding, beautiful graphics. Great use of colors and atmosphere. Great eerie sound.

Cons: Like we all learned in the last two Matrix movies, great graphics and CGI’s means absolutely nothing if the story does nothing or worse, is silly. In this case, in my opinion, the story line in FEAR is silly. You will need a brand new computer with a top video card and lots of system RAM to make this game pretty. If you cannot get a decent score in 3Dmark 2003 or better yet, 3Dmark 2005, then do not buy this game.