excellent shooter but unfortunately drags on and quickly tires you of it.

User Rating: 8.3 | F.E.A.R. PC
Fear is a great game. by no means does it fail in what an FPS should be...intense, fast, and visceral. I'm not going to review its intensity, the quality of the shooting, the kinetics etc. because others have lauded it ad naseum. Its a great game in that regard...but after a while you tire of it. believe me, at first when i heard this from others I refused to believe it as the game seemed perfect in every regard from shooting, to being scared and being careful to having to employ smart tactics against smart enemies. But unfortunately the storyline lags....now I'm not much for stories but you feel like it could have been taken to the next level. Like the girl could have appeared and done something more often or more character interactions could have taken place(not so much having to save lives but working with others or communicating in the game w/ people as opposed through a telcom device) Near the end, say the last quarter of the game, the game begins to weaken because of how repetitive it seems. I felt almost as if the developers were just prolonging it when it should have ended. Now I do like long games, it makes its monies worth...but I also expect to be gripped till the end....the mechanics and fighting only takes it so long...after a while they begin to wear on you and you tire of the same ol shooting (even though the enemies are smart and even though you have to be tactical and careful) I just felt that variety was not there in the playing. At first, i felt that the drab office complexes and the repetitiveness of it would not be an issue as others had with it. But near the end it too began to affect my interest. I feel that, even with its exceptional game play, the weakness in story and the feeling that this game could have been sooo much better with better and more frequent story elements make me say that while you will enjoy this game you will also be disappointed, especially near the end
The game is fairly easy...at its most extreme, while I did die quite a few times, I still have managed to make through the game without difficulty(i had slow mo on, which undoubtedly helped but still....not as hard as it could be)