A game for realistic combat, not for story. If you want solid shootouts then this is for you.

User Rating: 9.4 | F.E.A.R. PC
Overall an amazing game, the graphics are stunning and it runs flawlesly even on a non uptodate machine.

The story is alittle hard to follow, where you will mostly be trying to figure it out with voice mail messages and laptop info.

This is not so much a game for the story as it is for a solid, realistic and stunning combat system. Amazing effects and amazing enemy A.I.

Although the game did have a few flaws, them being that there isnt much variety in environmental settings. Overall about 3 types of areas, and the game isnt at all as scary as you would think, infact it gets pretty pridictable and you dont even feel a threat.

Another problem being the lack of variety with enemies. While they look different most of them act the same, they are just wearing different outfits.
The only difference you will have in enemies are the ones you will only encounter about 20 times in the game between them, it would have been nice to of had more of them as they were some of the best ideas for enemies in many recent games.

But overall the game is fantastic, certainly one that you will be playing through again and again just for the action packed shootouts.
To see how the enemies react to different approaches, to see if you can blow a guy in half and then nail his torso to a nearby wall, to see if you can take down a whole squad with melee attacks. The game has lots of replay value, and its shame that you have to go through all the story again to experience it all.

If you loved the original Half-Life, this should be right up your alley.