Horror and shooter?! Good or bad?!

User Rating: 9.3 | F.E.A.R. PC
Some people will say: We have seen it all before, it's just a new shooter!
And yes, some of it have we seen before but there is also a lot of stuff we haven't seen before.
It's a shooter, you run around hallways and shoots everything you see. That's what we have seen!
What we haven't seen before in a first-person shooter before: Bullet-time, the physics is amazing, a combination of Japanese horror!
Specially the little girl gives the game something that any other game can't give us!
My personal meaning is that F.E.A.R is a pretty good shooter because you really can get into this game and sometimes so much that you will catch yourself in a yell of victory when you have defeated an army of soldiers!
It really feels like you are firing a gun when you do it and when somebody shoots at you, you get kind of scared!
The soldiers are intelligent and they will do everything to kill you.
But i think that the little girl is one of the games best ideas.
Never have i been so scared after i played a computer game and specially when you have seen movies like "The Grudge" or "The ring".
It's really creepy!

The good things:
Good graphics, good sound, creepy atmosphere, amazing physics, intelligent soldiers! Good concept and idea, good combination of shooter and horror, easy to play because it has the same controls as every other shooting games, nice choice of weapons.

The bad things:
You are pretty paranoide when you turn of your computer, you are afraid of little girls, you can't sleep at night, you get nightmares.

Sorry if there is any spell failures!