In Sartre's play the flies people were sad because the world is a sad place. This game will make you happy with all the fun you will have. However be forewarned that this game hates you. I mean it honestly hates you personaly. This game didn't just want to destroy me it wanted to eviscerate me. The AI is the best in any game ever and it holds a grudge. It tried every thing it could try to make me dead and I was dead lot. The graphics are awsome but that only serves to enhance the hate this game has for you. If you buy it please lock it up in a cabinate when you are not playing it because it will attack you while you sleep.
I want to talk about recommendation for this game 1st because it highly depends how much you get scared. Not a lot of games scare me, even Resident Evil 4 didn't keep me up at night but FEAR did. It even gave me a few he... Read Full Review
The first time I saw FEAR was a couple of years ago when I played the demo on my PC. It looked like it had a lot of potential, and was one of those games that I was going to purchase eventually. However over time I sta... Read Full Review