FEAR Eh ??? im not scared of owt
I was gonna get this for my 360 when it was bargain basement and reduced but as the ps3s list of games are sadly lacking at the minute i though il give it a go.
Well the first thing thats strikes me about this game is the llllllllllllllllllllllllllllooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggggggggggggggggg load times. serioulsy no joke 5 minutes after each "scenario" i feel is a touch to much especially for a ps3 thats meant to be the daddy of games machine.
anyway game starts and second thing that strikes about this game, graphics. next gen, 100% not this looks xbox to me and no mistake, the gs review spoke of washed out graphics n stuff and i agree a bit but in general the graphics just arent very good. i remember being wowed by chronicles of riddick and this is very similar looking graphics.
however what i will say is the gunfights and AI on this game are wicked massive stylee. the buggers lift up couches to hide behind, thing strageically and all sorts of stuff its great
its good in that respect but little else