Play this game!
The weapons have the oomph factor. Blast the bad guys with a shotgun and u'll see body parts fly in diiff directions. Get close enough, n u'll probably vaporize the poor guy . The ragdoll physics is pretty good too, as no 2 soldiers will die the same way.
The HORROR: Its not the Doom 'jump out of a dark corner' horror, rather its the feeling that something is creeping up at u horror. This has a lot to do with the superb in game music & sound. I have never played a game where I was so scared in my life. Nuff said.
The cons: The graphics. Yeah, I know, its the latest in graphical technology blah blah blah, but u need to spend a fortune to upgrade your PC to get it to run at at the mid-high end graphical range. Even at mid end settings, slowdowns n freezing of the game is assured.
Verdit: Buy, beg, whatever, but get this game. But make sure your PC meets the recommended system requirements.