I was excited about this game, then I played it.

User Rating: 6.5 | F.E.A.R. X360
This game has received great reviews and plenty of acclaim and popularity. All of this has made me greatly look forward to playing this game. Alas, once I started playing it I found that the combat was very sloppy, a lot like Timesplitters. Sometimes the graphics looked a bit fuzzy, almost like it wasn't finished. Features that people claimed were original, like slowing down time, certainly were not. Something I did like though, is the ghostly, or haunted moments. They got the moments that make this game different than others down to perfection. In fact, those moments are the only thing keeping my score above a 6.0. So the bottom line is, this game is essentially a very generic shooter with one well done twist. Maybe try renting it, you could enjoy it and then come back here and call me a weirdo for my opinion.