good old F.E.A.R comes back with a kick to the xbox 360 and is better than ever, but not the best, read on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

User Rating: 9 | F.E.A.R. X360
weve seen scary games before such as the silent hill franchise with always left you with a bone chilling horror, and who could forget Resident Evil the game that brought terror into simple moaning zombies wich would always scare you. But has there ever been a horror game done in first person....not until F.E.A.R this game is first of all of course scary it will be one of the scariest games of all time in fact i will not ruin the scares for you but youre in for a suprise. While this game will definitley scare the living pants off of you there are some things that just dont make this game perfect. One is that every level is similar to the previous ones youre once again in a dark buisness building but it becomes forgiviable because of the things that help make it understandable. Another is that the story can get a little boring unless you stay completley tuned in. Anybody that just likes to get scared then this the game to add to your collection.Oh and the AI is INCREDIBLE so buy it and remember its just a game lol.