This game certainly doesnt warrant the 8.6 of gamespot i know that for sure. the story is kinda cool and creepy but it just doesnt bring ya all the way into the experince. i know im a cop and im investigating some guy and paranormal activities but it doesnt go the extra step in explaing the story. the controls are ok but there off as well. the firing of the weapons just isnt tight it doenst feel right for some reason. neither is walking around sometimes it feels that your sliding rather than walking it just isnt quite right. the game just lacks an overall polish. unlike almost everyone else i believ that we have not made that much progress in the video game world. its been over 20 years since nintendo and the video games just arent making enough progress. sure the online is cool for games but thats not an invention of video game developers that was done by the guy who invented the internet. we should be past the point where a game is made and it falls short because of control issues. i wont support games that like and this is one of them.
I want to talk about recommendation for this game 1st because it highly depends how much you get scared. Not a lot of games scare me, even Resident Evil 4 didn't keep me up at night but FEAR did. It even gave me a few he... Read Full Review
The first time I saw FEAR was a couple of years ago when I played the demo on my PC. It looked like it had a lot of potential, and was one of those games that I was going to purchase eventually. However over time I sta... Read Full Review