You might want to wear a diaper while playing this one.

User Rating: 9.5 | F.E.A.R. PC
This, in my opinion, is easily the goty 2005, and possibly the best shooter to this day. It looks great, the combat is amazing, the plot is engrossing, the list goes on. This is probably the most controversial title i own. when i bought this title, i was a young lad and had to get my parents permission whenever i would buy a game. I showed them the demo, and even with blood turned off, the answer came NO! So i thought to myself, screw that, this game is brilliant and i'm going to buy it. so i did. at the ripe age of 14 a went into futureshop and bought this game. I ran like crap on my computer back then, but regardless i beat the game on med settings at 20fps. I must say, it was hard hiding it from my parents. especially the time me and a friend were playing it at about 2:00 in the morning, and i looked into a half open elevator and alma appeared. i shrieked out at the top of my lungs, AAAAAAAAAAAH EVIL!!! and my entire family came charging into my room. anyways, it's great, but if you get scared easily, you might poop youreself on your first playthrough. this is a must have shooter for anyone who is at least semi resistent to shock horror.