The most visceral and traumatic gaming experience ever; Fear induces scares beyond imagination and belief.
Fear tends to delve into the psychological hindrances in the human mind. While games like Doom 3, specifically, try to induce scares in us via creepy noises and surprise monster attacks, F.E.A.R works on an entirely different level. It psychologically tramautizes the player until he pretty much can't handle any more.
The initial few levels don't really portray much as many parts had already been displayed in the demo earlier in the year. The demo, however, left the story undone only for the full version to take its toll on us.
The gameplay is phenomenal to say the least; however, I felt that the overall difficulty of the game was rather easy. I played the majority of the game on high difficulty and a bit on extreme and despite doing so, I beat the game with relative ease. The AI is simply amazing and I actually felt proud when I outsmarted a group of clones (they have a specific name but I forget) into an ambush just to finish them off; however, there were too many med kits lying around and most of the time, I was always in full supply.
Overall the gameplay was magnificent and the graphics were top notch. The "fear factor" had a helping hand as well in transcending this game beyond many others. My only qualms with the game was that it was relatively easy to beat (especially the final level).