F.E.A.R is a pretty good fps and successfully manages to scare the pants of any mortal foolish enough to play it.
The unpredictable and "get-under-your-skin" music also does its job in making you believe that any shadow could at some moment spew forth an army of clone soldiers or indeed the lead flesh crawler, Alma. Though not the more verbal of video game antagonists, she somehow commands more presence than others.
Despite the atmospheric music, the terrifying Alma and wide variety of satisfyingly destructive guns one of the main flaws in the game is the sheer lack of diversity in terms of level design. There are stages that you begin to think;"Hold on a second, haven't i been to this helipad/office block/staircase/storage room/corridor before".
I suppose it could be argued that this adds to the suspense in that, as you turn a very similar corner for the third time, to be confronted by a small girl with destructive powers comparable to no other, it certainly is "spooky".
All things considered, F.E.A.R is well worth buying and though possibly not one of the most inventive or intriguing first-person shooters out there, it is definitely one of the most gripping.