I first saw FEAR when it debuted on the PC. It was great then and its great now. To put it out there to me this is the second best single player FPS experience youll have right behind Half-Life 2. If you like FPS's and dont love this one then there is something wrong with you. The Gameplay is not unlike other FPS's, although in some cases the controls can be overbearring. The action is so intense, so furious, and so dynamic its erie. I have yet to see a more intelligent and evasive enemy than the one founds here. They will yell to each other, jump over and under things, flank, toss grenades, and pursue you to no end. The shooting mechanics are awesome. You will shoot and when you hit the enemy you'll feel them go down. They never fall the same way....ever! The rag doll physics are in full effect here and wonderful. You can also slow down time in limited amounts and this really gives you the feel of action as you fire and see each bullet cut through you foes. Blood splatters, concrete flies and crumbles, bodies fall lifelessly and you'll love it. Lets talk the setting. This game is quite unique in that it is erie rather than scary, spooky rather than terrorfying. When you turn a corner you could be in a fire fight or turn another and see a spooky litle girl or much worse. If you arent spooked at least one time in this game i'll eat my hat LOL. I cant describe or think of a game that delivers enviornment and setting better than F.E.A.R. Moving on to the sound department. So spooky youll not want to play this alone in surround sound. The ammo flies and enemies yell to get down or move left. The sounds of the guns make you feel like your really giving it to the enemy. Spooky voices loom as you roam the solitary buildings. Voice recordings are heard on machines. The mood is set perfectly through sound in this game. The graphics while being a year old are still fantastic. Blood splatters, bodies fly, youll see that spooky little girl again and again and again along with other scary sites. Around every corner suprises wait. Chairs move when bumped or shot. Window blinds move freely as you pass in and out of them. Muzzle flashes are seen from the weapons. Blood drenched rooms and bodies lie around. You'll notice enemies falling depending on how and where they are hit. Holes left in walls from shots fired. The character models are top notch too. The Replay in this game is substantial where youll unlock the game achievements, play online, and play through multiple difficulty levels. After romping through the single player mode though theres not much left to do cause everything with the story is predetermined. Its still a great game if only to keep playing the online multiplayer mode. Its a great game a must rent but due to lack of single player run through you might not want to buy it. Well thats it hoped this helped you out. When I say this game is great its no lie. In FEAR's case its better late than never PEACE!!
I want to talk about recommendation for this game 1st because it highly depends how much you get scared. Not a lot of games scare me, even Resident Evil 4 didn't keep me up at night but FEAR did. It even gave me a few he... Read Full Review
The first time I saw FEAR was a couple of years ago when I played the demo on my PC. It looked like it had a lot of potential, and was one of those games that I was going to purchase eventually. However over time I sta... Read Full Review