Let me get one thing out; FEAR rocks. It does a great blending of horror and shooting while never feeling old because of its weapon variety, random scary scenes and over the top gameplay. In my opinion, the graphics look just fine, even if they might be washed out. It makes it feel scarier if you ask me. You must be wondering "AceDonald, if you like this game so much, why didn't you give it a 9.5 or 10?" Well my friends, mainly 2 small reasons, and 2 bigger reasons. The small reasons are you don't get to do much shooting at the beginning, and doesn't feel like it started off very well. Also at times it can get hard to see even with your flaslight on, which could effect on where you'd go next. But those things aren't really a big deal to me, its the other reasons that really brought it down. The first reason i mentioned in a blog; FEAR has some of the dumbest in-game advertising i've ever seen! It can advertise real products that you wouldn't think about expecting in a horror game. "Computer advertising, what the @#$%!" And the extremely long load times make this game hard to get into as fast as you'd like. Which is really dissapointing, but that doesn't mean FEAR is a waste of time. Its still got great shooting and horror action mixed together perfectly. If you can get past the long load times, FEAR will become a fav to anyone.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Contains: Frequent Strong Bloody Violence, Psychological Horror and Gore ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FEAR is a ... Read Full Review
A hard game to review being an old port of the pc classic. From the moment you play this game its easy to recognise this game was developed for the pc in mind. Having played the original pc version, not much has change... Read Full Review