F.E.A.R. will rock you. The game is excellent. Great horror fps! F.E.A.R. is a must have for those who like the genre.

User Rating: 10 | F.E.A.R. PC
I just completed F.E.A.R. and I must say I was quite impressed with the game. The graphics were quite good, the bullet time was superbe, the guns sounded just right, and the controls were tight. After hearing so much about how hard the game was I was slow to try tackling F.E.A.R. but after I found the easy setting it was smooth sailing from there on out. The game isn't quite as scary as the name might imply but it does have it's moments.

Go out and get yourself a copy, it's worth it.

Oh and the shotguns ability to sever limbs and cut people in half is amazing. :D