This game is good, but not for the right reasons...

User Rating: 6.5 | F.E.A.R. X360
Well, If you don't know, I wrote a review of the same game a while ago.
I used some "Hasty generalizations," which is basically deciding something about every part of it after just seeing a little bit of it.
So I will review it, now that I've played just about the whole game through, or at least long enough to notice repitition in the game, which means that there is not much generalizing this time, because this time I actually have most of the info of the game. Well, first off, it's story. It's a good story. You go around in an abandoned company building that isn't really abandoned, but inhabited by scared or loyal employees (not much) Ghosts, Military clones (evil), and a cannibal. You chase down the cannibal, and ghosts try to scare you, clones try to kill you, and employees sidetrack you. So that's all I can, should, and will give away. Next is gameplay. The gameplay is alright. There are many weapons. The problem with this is some weapons the ammo is scarce, but others you find plenty of. Unfortunately, the quantity does not meet quality. The main gun is the Assault rifle, but it will take clip after clip just to kill the weakest. The best gun is the shotgun. It has one to two shots to kill someone, only the weaker ones, and there is plenty of ammo. Two things you will find are melee and SlowMo. SlowMo does the obvious. Well, the problem with SlowMo is that it is really good. That makes people who don't like dying dependant on it. You will usually find yourself taking cover so it can recharge, and you can slowmo your way up to the enemies and take them out before they even notice you've left your spot. Melee is also a dependant thing. What would take 2 clips of an assault rifle or 2 shots of a shotgun would only take one punch to an armored enemy. That does not seem right. Also, the physics of it is really screwed up. The problem is, when you shoot a shotgun at somebody, they might split in half, they might explode (don't know how or why) and they're head might fall off. Or, they could escape unharmed, I still don't know why. Another thing is that when fighting them, you can do a baseball slide style move. This usually hits the opponent in the leg, but causes them to move somewhere near maybe as far as a few hundred feet, and die instantly. This isn't completely accurate, but if you were to play it and test it out, it would be ridiculously out of proportion. Another element is fear. Ya, it has some freaky things, but you can get over it, it's not that scary. (Tip, if you really hate scary parts, run through every door backwards, or at least the parts you would think are scary.) The main problem of fear is the variety. The problem is, there is none. The enemies all look just about the same, give or take some colors or masks, and the maps are just walking on catwalks, walking through offices or crawling through vents. Suprise! Well, now to move onto the A.I. Another unmentioned website had a review in which they were praising the A.I. The A.I. is not great. It's hardly even decent. They will blindfire you, go for cover, and just plain shoot. But one problem is they will hold their gun in one hand, then shoot while looking and running the other way. Sometimes, they will even shoot at the floor, I don't know why. They have no control over their fire, because they suck at maneuvering. Another factor is their melee. They don't just wack. They flail their arms and legs out in a weird way. They will first say punch you by swinging their arm at you, then do it with the other arm or they will curl their arms and poorly kick you in the shins. These clones need to know karate, because you already do. Well, there are problems, major ones, but the problems turn into fun, if you don't take games too seriously. I have lots of fun playing it, not because it's the next game to go platinum, but because it's so bad half the time. Oh well, the game sucks, but it's still probably around a 7 out of ten just because problems turn into better things, ironically.