Though the graphics may be dated, that doesn't stop F.E.A.R. being a great game thanks to it's other positive factors.
One of the main reasons anyone should play F.E.A.R. is the story. The rundown is this, you are the newly appointed Point Man of the First Encounter Assault Recon unit. The first mission involves the pursuit of a one Paxton Fettel who is the psychic leader of an elite force of clones known as the Replica Forces. Your mission? Eliminate him.
Along the way to Paxton however, Point Man uncovers various leads to something known as Project Origin. As he delves deeper in pursuit of Paxton, secrets of a paranormal and inhumane nature are uncovered.
Getting rid of Paxton isn't as easy as it sounds though. The fierce Replica Forces are under his control and will not let the Point Man reach him without a bloody good fight. This crops up another very good point in the game: the enemy A.I.
I think that even by today's standards, the Replica Forces are very formidable opponents. Being able to move tactically to flank and overpower you will keep the player on their toes, especially when dealing with some of the specialist units such as the Heavy Armour troops. Of course utilizing a variety of weapons such as dual pistols, frag grenades, assault rifles and fictional particle weapons mixed with the Point Man's enhanced reflexes can help make short work of smaller groups; but in the heated battles sometimes taking cover and shooting tactically is the best option.
Another major positive is the atmosphere and the music. Whilst the latter is very subtle, it doesn't in any way hinder the atmosphere, if anything the deathly silence thickens the mood. The sound effects are all simple and too serve only to add intensity to the gameplay, especially during sequences where Paxton and Alma are near. As said, the blood and gore added tot he dark environments and constant visits from the little terror that is Alma Wade, really creates a subtle yet scary atmosphere. And whilst the horror may not be in your face, direct fear, there is definitely a subtle "sitting on the edge of your seat waiting for something to happen, and then being surprised when it does" feel to it.
All in all F.E.A.R. is a great game and I think a must play for anyone indulging in action packed shooters or horror. If you can see past the once incredible graphics and the terrible frame rate, then F.E.A.R. can be a fantastic experience.