From a publisher that has brought various mediocre games like the S.W.A.T. series, this game comes as a surprise. F.E.A.R. shows a combination of first person shooter, great cinematics and wonderful thriller that just suggests that you paid for the whole seat but you will only use the edge (sorry I stole that from a t-shirt I saw in the 90s used by No Fear, no pun intended). The game plays with your mind with the multiple levels of non stop action. Accompanied by a well rounded online multi player mode, this game is an instant classic and I wouldn't be surprised to see more games that go along the same genre of this great game by VU Games. Well done.
The game begins with a very intresting intro scene, which shows Paxton Fettel getting control over a whole army of clone soldiers which in result capture and occupy a research facility under his command. You yourself ar... Read Full Review
Should you get F.E.A.R Director's edition? The DVD Version saves you the trouble of getting 5 discs when you should just get 1. Why should I get F.E.A.R you ask? Well for one: The game play isn't all about KILL KILL ... Read Full Review