It's boring,bland,generic and you fight the same npcs throughout in the same level designs throughout the game.

User Rating: 6.8 | F.E.A.R. PC
I don't have a clue why this game is soooo highly rated, my only guess would be because people are suckers for graphics and it's all the care about. However i found the AI to be crap and tit got boring fighting the same NPC's over and over again till the end. Then you got a expansion that did the same thing over and over again!!!!!!!!! If that wasn't bad enough you in the same styled levels throughout the whole game! Sure it was great at first but after 4 friggin levels you started to get tired of it lol.

The sound was great and the guns were kool but generic and the graphics were kinds the same there. I can't really say anything about this game is special :\ However it might be cheap and if its £10-15 it's worth that price.

The multiplayer aswel wasn't good.

Overall your getting a short small package full of the doing the same thing in the same places throughout the game. I couldn't call this game special or a masterpeice.