Because I refuse to lower the score to this game due to the fact I played it on the crappy PS3 port...
Let's get one thing out of the water first! For those that say that this game wasn't scary at all are emotionless zombies that shouldn't be playing innovative games anymore.
/End of that.
The game freaks you out even when you suspect something freaky is about to happen. It focuses on scaring you, using the most overly used thing to scare you with:
A little girl.
She will appear and disappear at any given moment and since the game doesn't know what a "cut" scene is, you'll be playing through these creepy moments and reacting to them.
The music type today was dark ambient tones that send chills down your spine and the little girl seems keen on scaring you...thus her weird antics she does to you throughout the entire bloody game!
The shootouts....yeah they're tough too. The AI is impressive as they'll go all around a building to flank you if they must. They can be very tough when you're getting used to them. And when you do get used to them, you're not in a very pretty situation for the last part of the game, so your old tactics don't matter anyways! Everything stays fresh...esp. when you're scared of a little girl popping out of nowhere...
Oh yeah, and the "creepy" man eater mindfreak isn't creepy...he's awesome.
The flaws with this game is quite simple: Even for a shooter, I want to know more about a story that's supposed to be deep as they come. -_- If you even want a clue, you have to go to the way too optional and creepy to listen to phone calls in the dark corridors. You really don't want to hear them when you're scouting for people or little girls.
Still the best shooter I've played....for now.