A train wreck, and not in a good way.

User Rating: 2.5 | F.E.A.R. X360
I'm still waiting. Waiting for the atmosphere. For the excitement. For the slightest sign that this is next gen in any way. Hard to believe that this was a PC game. Hard to believe it is anything other than a very generic first-gen PS2 shooter. The cut scenes look OK, but who plays games for the cut scenes. The biggest ripoff I have encountered since NFS Carbon, and that's saying something. Assassins Creed is hilariously overrated, but at least it bothers to have some next gen conceits about it. This game, however, is as lame, and repetitive, and dull as it comes. It's like Max Payne never went away. And it's going straight back to the shop.
Perhaps we've suddenly been spoilt by the sheer genius and full-on fun of artful masterpieces such as Bioshock and COD4. But I aint apologising for that. A great shooter is just that. Quake 2, I will always enjoy. Quake 3, I will never mention in polite company.
The Darkness showed that shooters can be superficial and dumb but still great slick one-dimensional fun.
The ironically titled FEAR can't even manage dumb properly.