Definitely Worth playing just to scrimmage with the AI in here ;)

User Rating: 8.1 | F.E.A.R. X360
First Encounter Assault Recon

Now I am a big fan of shooter, they are one of my top game genres to play, but I’m not a fan of the spooky dark use a flashlight kind of games. I chose to get into F.E.A.R because my brother played the game and told me it can be a real challenge facing the soldiers. So I let go of the spooky flash light sections and dove into the game.

You start off in F.E.A.R newcomer to the elite team. You’re sent in to investigate mysterious activity and locate cause of it. The game starts off rather laid back and quiet as its eerie supernatural nature pulls you in. They are many moments in the game where if our playing alone at night with the lights off it can be creepy. Nothing can mess with your head more than creepy voices in your head. Now in my opinion the best part of a shooter is the difficulty of the Artificial Intelligence. This in my opinion is where F.E.A.R shines. The AI in this game is very team oriented and strategically. Enemy units listen out for your sounds and not only respond to them but get on there radio and warn other units before proceeding to search for you. Once spotted they immediately shout out on the radio your position and start tactical positions. I have heard one unit tell another “I need suppression fire” then the other guys lay fire on me while the other unit flanks me. I’ve had units vanish on me and when I go looking for them they have swung around and open fire on me from a new position. If you throw a grenade they scream out in alarm and dive for the nearest cover. The game definitely has a nice array of artillery to use ranging from single fire pistols & shotguns to Rapid fire assault rifles. Now many games have used the slow motion or “bullet time” affect before. F.E.A.R is no different in its use of such an affect. You get to enter this mode where you heightened senses and your reflexes give you an edge over your enemy. As you enter this mode the world turns gray and time itself slows down as your reflexes kick into over drive. In this mode you can see bullets fly one at a time come at you or for you. I use this only when there are far too many units positioned and have secured and area. It’s a good to use to drop a few enemies and get breathing room from the barrage of bullets. Besides the tactical AI mind set this guys are fully armored and are just as bad as SWAT team. Best bet is to unload what you can into precise head shots, other wise you’ll be dumping a load in them before they drop. All and all I would recommend this game to any fan of shooters looking for a good enemy skirmishes.