Solid title, great all around despite a few flaws...

User Rating: 8.4 | F.E.A.R. PS3
Game/Play:At first glance FEAR is a good enough looking title. My first impressions were that the controls were a little loose but the game play was still good. I do however have to state my dislike of console shooters as they do tend to be questionable when it comes to controls and aiming. Very few shooters get it right when it comes to control while others offer tweaking of the system which can help FEAR does not; at least not that I could find. That said, despite the loose feel in the controls the game still plays good enough to get past that issue and have some fun. The juice (Reflex booster, or Slow-mo if you will) is pretty cool as well and something I neglected to use for most of the game. Graphics/Sound: The graphics are a little dated and not quite as good as they could be considering we're looking at a PS3 title. However they still look sharp, nice, and are certainly good; via HDMI for video. I also have to note that a few times there was some problems with dead bodies (glitches). Where you'd blow them up, shoot them, whatever, and they're head be hanging in the ceiling while their body dangled. Overall I encountered very few graphical/game play glitches and they were something easily overlook able. I have to state that some have experienced an issue w/ sound but I had no problems at all. That said the sound is good (digital, not HDMI). Furthermore the sound effects themselves and how they immerse you in the game and set the tone are excellent....

In Closing/Value:I have to note that this was a gift from a friend online. He got two copies and sent me one otherwise I'd have probably not even bothered playing it. That said FEAR is truly a very good game at the very least. I do not see the point of setting the price higher than the PC version and for that I'll have to note that this is a ?able buy. I think that for $4o-5o it's an excellent game and certainly worthy to any shooter fans collection. Personally I don't buy shooters often -when I do it's on PC- but this is a game I'm glad got added to my collection. If you're a shooter fan and don't mind spending $6o I'd definitely suggest buying it. Otherwise I'd say wait for a better price ($40-50), and if you're not a shooter fan at least do yourself a favor and rent this game...