Absolute Genius apart from a few things in the Multiplayer part.

User Rating: 9.8 | F.E.A.R. PC
Graphics= Outstanding maybe better than Half Life 2 10/10
Physics= Extremely good 9/10
Sound= Extremely well implemented and well executed. Creates a sense of suspense and realism to the game that none other has accomplished. 9/10
Highlights= For me the biggest highlights for me were the firefights with bits of debry flying everywhere and dust being raised it just makes the gamer feel warm and fuzzy all over. Another Highlight would have to be the slow moition. Never done before in a game like this and I'm sure othergames will follow this craze of slow motion in first person shooters and the world will be one big happy family.

THE BAD: One thing that just wrenches my heart out is the fact that there is no bots able to be used in the multiplayer games like Counter Strike. Because when no one joins your server it isnt fun and you will want to play so all you have to do is get a few bots n ur on ur way to glory and riches. but u had to take that away from us. Oh well.

Overall= Stunning graphics and just amazing gameplay 9.6/10

The creepy horror in the game also adds a nice touch ; )