decent shooter that i really wanted to end
i didn't see any new innovations in the game. i've seen time slowing down before, a la project: snowblind and even blinx. the weapons are middle-of-the-road offering players weapons that they've seen in countless other games. although seeing the flesh fry off of a human skeleton was quite gratifying the first couple of times. ai that chatters to one another isn't new. as a matter of fact, i can't think of anything from f.e.a.r. that was innovational.
the trailers and box art are very misleading as to what you would expect in the story. the creepy little girl is rarely seen in the game. the clones that can move quickly and camouflage themselves are rarely seen (maybe in two areas of the game). i was really hoping for a creepy fps. but oh boy, was i let down.
to me it seemed like i was fighting my way through the same 4 walls for 90% of the game. everything looked the same. to me, the game really could have used a change of scenery. i went from room to room to storage room to ventilation shaft to room to roof to room to room to... it wouldn't end. after investing money and time in the game i had to finish it. oh the pain.
what did i like in the game... well, obviously the closing credits, but other than that, absolutely nothing. it is a game that has not made an impact in my gaming experience.
are the graphics spectacular, i'd have to say no. there aren't any complex textures or anything that is just dazzling. it's pretty dull and boring until you get into the last stages of the game.