Went out, bought V for Vendetta on DVD and this game. Smoked a blunt, ate some chinese food and watched my new favorite movie of all time. Maybe it's because I'm in a really good mood, maybe it's the chronic, but holy hell this game kicks ass. Buy it now. Stop reading this. Why are you still reading this? Jesus Christ, get this game already.
I need more words so I can submit this extremely biased review... The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. "There is no spoone." You want the truth!? You can't handle the truth! How many more words do I need? Apparently, this many.
The game begins with a very intresting intro scene, which shows Paxton Fettel getting control over a whole army of clone soldiers which in result capture and occupy a research facility under his command. You yourself ar... Read Full Review
Should you get F.E.A.R Director's edition? The DVD Version saves you the trouble of getting 5 discs when you should just get 1. Why should I get F.E.A.R you ask? Well for one: The game play isn't all about KILL KILL ... Read Full Review