One of the better DS games to date, but that isn't all that much of an accomplishment.

User Rating: 7.2 | Kimi no Tame Nara Shineru DS
This is easily the best launch title for the DS outside of Mario 64. It is the first game to take seriously the touch screen's capabilities and also makes amusing use of the microphone. The mini games play well and are enjoyable in and of themselves. The graphics are highly stylized (which will be a good thing or a bad thing depending on your particular taste), but the entire game is colorful and well rendered. The sound in general is mediocre, the music is amusing at first but quickly becomes repetitive and irritating. All in all this is a pretty fun game. I'm glad that this game was on the cheaper side of the DS price range, but you still don't quite get the bag for your buck. The games are far longer and more challenging than the "microgames" of WarioWare fame, but they are still mini games. It would have been nice to see more games or some multiplayer functionality thrown in to provide to more replayability. The mini games provided for free in Mario 64 are arguably of equal quality and are nearly as plentiful. In all fairness, while I beat the games easy level in a mere day or two, it took substantially longer to get through the hard and hell modes. In the end though, the difficulty comes from merely limiting the number of failures you're allowed; not by providing any new challenges. For now, this is still one of the better DS games as it is one of the few games that can only be done on a DS. If you like mini games, I would have to suggest this game over WarioWare Touched!, but I would suggest picking up a used copy or getting it on sale. I do not think it was quite worth $30.