Feel the Magic XY/XX is easily one of the best DS games so far. But that's not necessarily saying much. Anyways, the core gameplay basically consists of different difficulties of rubbing, touching, drawing, and blowing on the touch screen and microphone to complete certain tasks. There's also a quirky little story tied in between in which your charcter tries to win a girl's heart that carries the game along nicely. The art style is unique and it is made up of comic book type slides for the cutscenes and silhouettes with hair and clothes for the characters. Sond-wise the game is passable, but not exceptionable. About now you may be thinking, "7.8! But you've basically said the game is a masterpiece!" This is not true. Although good, the game has several shortcomings that really bring down the experience. First of all the game is short. Very short. We're talking like 3 to 4 hours. Now there are two harder difficulties to be unlocked after the game's completion but for the most part it's not worth it. You can also unlock outfits for the lead girl but, once again, its not worth it. It basically a shorter Warioware: Touched with less replay value. If you think Warioware is short it will look like Final Fantasy X when compared to Feel the Magic. It may be short but it is rather hard and it is very unforgiving, which also brings the experience down. So all in all, the game is still good but could have been so much better. Wow, Sega sure has gone down the drain.
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