I can fell the love!
User Rating: 9.3 | Kimi no Tame Nara Shineru DS
i don't know what sega was on when they thourght of this game, but i'm glad they was doing it. this game is very addictive. it's something new and inovative. this game should be the first thing that you get for your ds. it uses all the ds hardware. the mic is used for yelling and blowing air, the screen is the most used, and the top is for show. did i forget to warn you this game is...well...it'll make you look crazy. some games will have rubing the touch screen in different ways, like really fast, and sometimes you'll yell into the mic to get a girls attention, or to guide a ship across the sea to safety. the story is simple also. you play a nameless kid who just laid eyes on a cute girl. or at least i think she's cute, you can't see their faces. anyway these guys called the "RUB RABBITS" shows up to help our hero get the girl... by doing stupid and sometimes dangerous stuff to impress her. are there actually guys out there that desperate? but soon things get out of hands, soon you're fighting bulls giant scorpians, and robots. yeah i know, all this for a faceless girl. but you'll no less love the childness this game has. though i could do without the unicycle level. the boss battles are cool and there's no voice over. but that's ok, the comic book look in the cutscenes explains itself. i guess a picture does spak a thousand words. this game is most defently a buy.